Please click the appropriate link to the left for help on that topic.

How do I send out a message?

  • Use the Schedule Mailings link in this interface.
  1. Compose your message in any email program.
  2. Add your posting password to the subject line.
  3. Send it to <> for immediate distribution.

How do I include an unsubscribe link in my messages?

For HTML messages, copy this line & link and paste it into your message:

You are subscribed as _email_. To REMOVE or CHANGE that address, click here

For plain-text messages, use these instructions:

As the message is delivered, the variable _email_ will be converted to the recipient's email address and the link will point to a web page which includes an encoded version of that unique address.

How do people get subscribed to my list?

  • If yours is a public list, you will need to add a signup form to your web site.
  • If yours is a private list, then you add subscribers via this interface. Use the "Add/Remove Recipients" link.

How do I add a subscribe/unsubscribe form to my web site?

Add a form like this to your web page(s):

You must make one edit to the code above:

  1. On line 5, replace 2222 with the full URL of a thank-you landing page on your website, which will be displayed upon a successful submission. On that page, be sure to say that the recipient must reply to the confirmation email they've just been sent in order to complete their subscription.

Alternative: you can also use a pre-built signup form on our server. Just link to - but that form may not provide the "look and feel" you want, nor will it reside within your existing web page(s). Putting it into a pop-up window may work, but some browser settings prevent pop-up windows.


By default, bounces are re-directed back to our server where they are removed after three successive bounces.

Click "Admin Home" to return to your list's admin interface.