Options for Sharing Photos and PDF Files

Messages sent via the GTARCA Broadcast system are received and read on many different devices, from desktop computers to smart phones to iPads. To keep delivery time fast and not bog your inbox down with unwanted files, our messages are short and do not include attachments. But we understand that you might like to share photos or PDF files, etc. - and there is a simple way to do that.


Your photos must first be uploaded to a photo-sharing service such as Imgur, Photobucket, ImageShack, etc.

We recommend Imgur.

Once you have a free Imgur account, you can upload photos to it in several ways. See the Imgur Apps page for options.

To EMBED a Photo In Your Broadcast

To have your photo appear WITHIN the broadcast message, simply enter the link to the online photo as described above into the Photo Link field. The picture seen by our recipients will be limited to 460 pixels wide (inside the email message) so your online version should be resized to around 500-600 pixels wide.